IndaChlor in detail

Recycling hydrochloric acid from chlorinated waste

In the North of France, near Dunkirk, IndaChlor is Indaver's treatment and recycling plant which recycles chlorinated waste primarily from the PVC industry.  During the treatment process of chlorinated waste streams, 40,000 tonnes per annum, IndaChlor recovers chlorine in the form of hydrochloric acid and will also recycle the energy produced. Hydrochloric acid is a product mainly used by the chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries and one we are certainly not short of in the Dunkirk region.

With IndaChlor, Indaver is developing a sustainable solution for the Dunkirk/Loon Plage region and implementing a circular economy that is both safe and environmentally responsible.

Industrial synergy in Dunkirk

Because of its strategic position in the Loon Plage, port of Dunkirk area, European companies can have easy access to IndaChlor to accept their waste. Also off-taking of hydrochloric acid is facilitated this way. The energy produced during IndaChlor's treatment process is also recycled. The plant supplies this steam to another neighbouring company, via a pipeline.
That makes IndaChlor a circular economy installation. It provides a sustainable solution for Dunkirk because it supports the local companies and strengthens the North-Pas de Calais region, the Port of Dunkirk and its industrial zone.

Indachlor benefits the Dunkirk community

Discover how

IndaChlor in facts & figures

  • Project presentation to the SPPI (Permanent Secretariat for the Prevention of Industrial Pollution) on the Opal Coast, on 13 June 2016
  • 50 million euro investment 
  • in the industrial area of the port at Loon Plage / Dunkirk
  • 30 direct jobs & 20 indirect jobs
  • a 40,000 ton capacity plant
  • Planning: the project was divided into several construction lots and development stages
    • 2015:  the preparation and several in-depth preliminary studies by both Indaver and independent parties, in close cooperation with the local authorities
    • summer 2017: the application was approved by the competent authorities 
    • summer 2018: the construction of the installation started  
    • 2020: commissioning started
    • 2021: fully operational


Respecting biodiversity

Indaver has built this new plant in an industrial zone because its purpose is to create the least possible disruption of the natural habitat for the flora and fauna present. Indaver is fully open to discussion with local naturalists and environmental associations, as it is in every region where it operates.

Indaver believes in a transparent policy about the environmental impact of its work and reports on this every year in its
Sustainability Report.

Preliminary in-depth studies carried out

Prior to our application for a building licence and environmental permit, and as required by French law, we commissioned various studies.
An independent, in-depth safety study has found that Indaver has taken the technical and procedural measures required to limit the environmental impact of its activities and meets the applicable legal requirements.
Our cutting-edge technology recycling process meets the strictest French and European environmental legislative requirements. Emissions fall well within the standard requirements.

Indaver guarantees this by imposing very strict procedures and directives and by training its personnel accordingly. Indaver benefits from 30 years of experience in the construction, management and operation of treatment and recycling processes. Our flawless operational record is the reason why we are the preferred waste and materials partner for major European corporations.

The Social commitment: jobs

Local job creation

Indaver ensures that its projects benefit the regions where it works. The Indaver IndaChlor® project has made it possible to create approximately 30 direct jobs. It also generates a further 20 indirect jobs with our sub-contractors.

Indaver will thus be making a social contribution to the region, which, unfortunately, has high unemployment figures.

Similarly, concerning the construction of the plant and the associated services, Indaver gives preference to French businesses in the region, which facilitates the (temporary) creation of new jobs.  


Supporting the local economy

Calls for tender from construction companies were launched on the French market to support the country’s and the region’s economy.

With regard to running its facilities, Indaver gives French suppliers preference (site security, office supplies, maintenance, catering etc.)

With IndaChlor®, Indaver is therefore adding real value to the local economy, as well as to Dunkirk’s ports and industrial zone.

Engagement with local partners

Advantages of industrial synergy

The IndaChlor® project will create solid foundations with local partners. Indaver has strategically built this plant near businesses to develop opportunities for industrial synergy. By supplying steam to a nearby alcohol distillery and recovering chlorine for other clients whether neighbours or further afield, Indaver is maintaining their profitability. The idea is to allow businesses, as local as possible, not to have to use expensive raw materials.

With IndaChlor®, Indaver can supply them with a top-quality alternative, sometimes even directly through a network of pipelines, as with the steam that will be supplied to the neighbouring distillery, which will no longer need to buy natural gas. A true example of a safe and sustainable circular economy, IndaChlor® is strengthening the Hauts-de-France region’s local industry. Furthermore, the project could encourage other investors to develop similar projects in the region.

Synergy with neighbouring companies

One of the Loon-Plage site’s neighbouring businesses receives the steam generated during IndaChlor®’s treatment process. Thanks to this local supply, the firm no longer has any need for natural gas. The steam, totalling 165,000 tonnes per annum, is supplied directly through pipelines. This business, an alcohol distillery, is one of the largest bioethanol manufacturers in Europe. It specialises in the rectification and dehydration of raw alcohol of agricultural origin.

Cooperation with regional organizations

The main aim of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) is to connect companies and help them to develop their business. 

Dunkerque Promotion is a business-development consultancy firm. For Indaver, Dunkerque Promotion played an important facilitating role, especially in the development phase of the project. Its knowledge of the local area made it possible to obtain reliable data specific to the region, very fast, in particular during the feasibility-study phase, (energy costs and the availability of labour). The agency put us in touch with local stakeholders (GPMD, DREAL, the distribution networks GrDF, Enedis etc.), and with consultancy firms, building firms etc.). 

Medef, le Mouvement des entreprises de France (the Movement of French Enterprises) is an employer organisation, that represents French businesses.

UIC, l’Union des Industries Chimiques is the professional organisation that groups together all the chemical companies, to which it provides opportunities for meetings and discussions. It represents them and defends them in the the various fields in which it carries out its missions.

Financial support

  • The Indachlor project is an operation that has received: - une Prime d’Aménagement du Territoire.
  • In view of its sustainable commitments, the IndaChlor project also received financial support from the CHALEUR fund from ADEME, Agence de la transition écologique.
  • PECS